After several weeks of hesitation, finally i found the courage to write online. Thanks to my friends (Glo, Q, Ruth) who have served as inspiration. This is something that i've been wanting to do for so long but just haven't had the time for. Now I've resolved to put aside several moments each week to publish some of my thoughts.
As I'm new to this, my postings may be quite irregularly paced. Please bear with me as I'm still an amateur at blogging. ",)
Anyway, I hope that I will be able to share some insights from my travels and experiences. As my blogname suggests, this site will be about the sojourns of a Filipina as she treads this earth. Obviously a wanderlust, this Pinay thrives on nature jaunts and mini-vacations. Hence, blogs will mostly be based on the wanderings of this Pinay's travelling soles.