October 31, 2012


i just recently realized that there are several things to observe or celebrate during the month of october. allow me to enumerate:

a) for one, it's the month of the Holy Rosary. i have been praying the rosary since i was a kid. we pray at school during october since i went to a catholic school. then i learned to pray the rosary whenever i have some important personal prayer intentions, and i still do until now. i have been steadfastly observing the rosary for life crusade since tita chelle gave me the prayer book that was being disseminated by the Rosary for Life crusade.. (and especially since that was the time when my young niece recited a brief prayer intention during that year's celebration). i guess, i started because it was a catholic practice, and back then, as a child, one doesn't have any other recourse but to follow. i am happy to say, though, that it gives me a great sense of peace whenever i finish praying the rosary so i still continue to pray the rosary and ask the intercession of the blessed Mother Mary in my personal intentions.

b) it is also coffee month here in the philippines. i just got to learn of this. and since i am currently interested in   coffee, i attended this year's coffee summit and met some (if not, got to know) of the bigshots of the trade. i made my own networking and hopefully am all set on executing my plans of being a farmer. (fingers crossed here) :-)

c) october is also breast cancer awareness month. for me, i'm observing it as (well, generally) cancer month, regardless of the type of cancer. it's got a bit of a stigma to it, since we have the big C gene on both sides of the family.

d) then, there's the fiesta here in the block where we live. i have already posted some pics of that one in a previous post.

e) then there's halloween. okay, i know that there are some who find the activity overrated. one just can't understand what all the fuss is with costumes and treats and pranks on this day (for kids trick-or-treating) and night (for adults partying the night away). the trick or treat for the kids here at our place was last saturday morning til afternoon. the hall was decorated very eeriely, it seemed like a horror booth with a really spooky music playing aloud. residents were enjoined to give some treats for the kids who'll be visiting our halls so i asked trish to buy some when she goes to the store. we gave this:

and then yesterday afternoon, i heard someone knocking at our door. i was surprised to see two young kids trick-or-treating when i opened the door. i hurriedly went back in and gave them some chocolates and those marshmallows left from our stock (those that actually escaped my happy munching). and just tonight when i went out to buy Coke, i saw this at our door.

the tenants at 2K have so generously given us a treat and hung one on each door (well, on our floor at least, as far as i know as i didn't check on the other floors). well, looki, lookie here at our treat:

this is it for now. whether you celebrate the same things i do (or not!), i hope that you do have something to celebrate. be it a birthday of a loved one (or yours), a graduation, or just a simple milestone in your life. take time to celebrate. celebrate life!

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